Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Uncreative moment

We all have them. We don't have anything clever to say or a funny thing that happened at work. I'm there.

Phil and I spent time with Tim & Brit Poindexter tonight. They're great! Nothin' says lovin' like hot tea and a good CIA show on TV.

Anyway, it's practically the end of the week, so I'm excited. Tomorrow is Thursday, which is really like Friday, because Friday doesn't count. Phil and I are going to the Ohio St. v. Iowa game this weekend! It should be a good time.

I'll leave you with one profound thought: If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let 'em go. 'Cause man, they're gone.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Here's Phil and Vinnie posing for a picture. What a trooper Phil is for getting up and going with me at 4 a.m.. I LOVE YOU HONEY!! Of course, he wants to go to Italy too.

What the...?

Why am I awake and blogging at 5:36, you ask? Well, I'll tell you.

Most of you know by now that I own a MINI Cooper. I love that car. It loves me. We're happy together :) We like to spend time "motoring" (it's a MINI thing).

Well, started a photo Scavenger Hunt about a month or so ago. You wake up on Tuesdays at 4:00 a.m. (EST), check the Owner's Lounge page for the week's mission and go take a photo of your car in front of said target. [For example, this week you had to go find an old-fashioned barber shop with the spinning candy-stripe pole.] You get ranked by the time that it takes you from when the mission was released until you can get home and upload your photo to the site. The person with the lowest elapsed time wins a 6-day trip to MINI United in Italy (it's a big rally for MINIs, naturally).

So, being the lunatic I am, I'm participating in this "hunt." I'm actually doing quite well in the rankings. I'm in 9th place overall, out of hundreds, with the potential of being in 6th place. Some folks ahead of me had questionable photos this week (i.e. no visible pole, pole painted on sign/building, etc.) Being that I live in the near-200-year-old town of Westerville, Ohio, this was not difficult to find.

The thing is, I get this incredible adrenaline rush when my phone alarm goes off and it doesn't go away easily. Especially when I come home and realize that I could possibly have moved up in the ranking. My heart is pumping and my stomach is flippy. I mean, hey, I WANT TO GO TO ITALY. GOSH!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Farewell sweet weekend, you've come and gone so quickly...

So, it's Sunday night. It's that odd time of the weekend when we realize it's over and work is just a few hours of sleep away. It's also that time when you reflect on what you did over the weekend and hope to goodness you did something worthwhile (or at least worth talking about 'round the water cooler at work tomorrow).

I didn't go to the movies. Not sure there's anything worth my hard-earned $8.50 out right now. We did end up having some yummy Mexican food Friday night with some friends and some good laughs to follow. Yesterday I did, indeed, have brunch with Ann followed by shopping. I behaved myself though and purchased one (1) sweater, ON SALE. So there.

The Buckeyes won, YAY, so all is well for now in the "Buckeye Nation."

Today was spent going to church, relaxing with my Ohio parents and going to part of a hockey game. We forgot the Sun. games start at 5:00 so, yeah, we were a little late. But the timing was perfect because the Blue Jackets were stinkin' it up [0-3] before we got there. The last period was the only one worth seeing anyway. They scored 2 goals but we still lost 2-3. Oh well, it's only pre-season, right? Definitely exciting to have NHL back though.

OK, it's 11:44 now. 16 minutes left to do one more productive thing before it's officially Monday. Ready?....go!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Here are Phil, Bartley, Joe and Jess playing a wild game of Twister at our most recent Boston gang get-together/fondue party.

Friday, September 16, 2005


So glad it's Friday! Good times ahead this weekend. Phil and I might go catch a movie tonight at our new theater down the street. It looks pretty slick. Having brunch with gal-pal Ann tomorrow, always a good time. Usually followed up by hitting a few sales at the mall, buying things that I never knew I needed. Will probably end up watching the Buckeyes game somewhere. We're hittin' our first Blue Jackets game of the season (or pre-season?) this Sun. night. Lot's of fun. Love the Jackets. Anytime you've got guys skating around on ice that just want to beat the crap out of each other, it's bound to be a good time!

Well, that's all for now. Must update iPod with podcasts from You can get the entire New Testament in a chapter-a-weekday format. Pretty sweet.

Here I am with Vinnie in front of Ohio Stadium. Go Bucks!