Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Uncreative moment

We all have them. We don't have anything clever to say or a funny thing that happened at work. I'm there.

Phil and I spent time with Tim & Brit Poindexter tonight. They're great! Nothin' says lovin' like hot tea and a good CIA show on TV.

Anyway, it's practically the end of the week, so I'm excited. Tomorrow is Thursday, which is really like Friday, because Friday doesn't count. Phil and I are going to the Ohio St. v. Iowa game this weekend! It should be a good time.

I'll leave you with one profound thought: If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let 'em go. 'Cause man, they're gone.


Anonymous said...
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mle said...

I like you a lot. I wish I saw more of you. Let's do lunch on some friday, k?

Anonymous said...

Girl, you are crazee!
Sami Jo